Maultaschen & a childhood favourite sophia katharinaFebruary 16, 2022food illustration, food illustrator, illustrator, german food, illustrated recipe, street food berlin, maultaschen, food & drink, the food & love project
Birnenwecken & St. Nicholas Eve sophia katharinaDecember 6, 2021food illustration, food illustrator, recipe illustration, food recipe, christmas recipe, birnenwecken, birnenweggen
Khichdi & a tribute to comfort food sophia katharinaNovember 29, 2021food illustration, indian recipes, food illustrator, digital illustrator, illustrators for hire
Rasam & a magical spell sophia katharinaOctober 22, 2021food illustrator, food illustration, recipe illustration, rasam recipe
Best of Pan-Asian Bowl & a Homage to oriental flavours sophia katharinaSeptember 23, 2021food illustration, food illustrator, artist, Sophia Katharina Illustration, sophia katharina, recipe illustration, recipe book, recipe collection, recipe illustrator, vegetables, noodles, rice, art
Mogar with Chansi Ka Chawal & a teaspoon of rekindling illustrationsophia katharinaSeptember 9, 2021food & love project, food illustrator, digital food illustrator, illustration, sophia katharina, Sophia Katharina Illustration, recetas ilustradas, ilustracion de comida, illustrador comercial, illustracion barcelona, illustracion gastronomia, recipe illustration, artist
Migas de Sémola & togetherness in the countryside sophia katharinaMay 22, 2021food illustration, food and love, food illustrator, barcelona artist, foodgraphic, food and love stories, food blog, illustrated recipes, spanish recipes, migas de semola, recetas españolas, recetas tipicas de la abuela, artista, recetas ilustradas